
Melissa Dean

For Frequency Theatre: ACTOR

Melissa trained at The Oxford School of Drama.

Whilst training she played the following roles: Joan in Time and the Conways, Pologii in Enemies, Lady Fidget in The Country Wife, 1st Gentleman in As You Like It (Blenheim Palace Gardens), Emilia in Othello and Holga in After The Fall (The Theatre Chipping Norton/ The Hampstead Theatre), Various in Terror Tales (DryWrite at The Hampstead Theatre).

Since then she has played various roles in Sleeping Beauty at The Mercury Theatre.

TV work includes EastEnders.

Staged readings include Jack the Ripper at Wilton’s Music Hall, Talk to the Handcuff at the Soho Theatre, The Legend of Bella Rosa at The Tricycle Theatre and BAREtruth: Theatre Uncut at Southwark Playhouse and The Pleasance Theatre.

Melissa is Artistic Director of BAREtruth Theatre Company.


Written by Anne V. Grikitis

If you look into the distance, you can often miss what is right in front of you.