Frequency is always open to submissions of unsolicited scripts.
Unfortunately we cannot give feedback on all scripts which we read and do not accept; however in a very few cases, we may give feedback to playwrights who we feel have great potential, but whose submission may have just missed the mark.
What We Are Looking For
After You Have Sent Us Your Script
Your script will be read and you will hear as to whether we would like to produce your work within three months of our receiving your work.
If we are going to produce your work, we will usually ask for a further draft of your script and provide you with feedback from a script reader. You may also receive advice from the director who has been assigned to your script.
Terms of a contract between the writer and Frequency will be drawn up before the play is recorded. For all plays Frequency produces which have not been commissioned, there is a standard form of contract which Frequency uses, usually without alteration; the details of which may be discussed after a play has been accepted for production.
Frequency’s first duty is to the playwright; once a final draft has been agreed on, we will not alter your dialogue during the recording or editing. However playwrights should be aware that artistic choices such as casting do reside with the director and producer.
Once a play has been rehearsed and recorded, it is then edited (a process which includes adding sound effects and music not present in the recording) and made ready for release. Once a play is released, it is available for free via our website (where it will remain indefinitely), iTunes, and for a limited time, Sound Cloud. Aside from providing an audience for your play, we hope playwrights will find it useful to always have a piece of their work which can be easily shared and accessed in order to promote the playwright’s work.
We only accept scripts electronically. Please send your script as an attachment to